Susan Vaughan Kratz
Bodywork Book Series
Special Therapies Institute presents
Bodywork for Babies
Now part of a 3-Day Pediatric Bodywork Workshop
Clinical application course of 20+ years of experience blending manual therapies
to help babies reach optimal health & wellness:
* craniosacral therapy
* visceral techniques
* lympho-fascia release
* interstitial tissue mobilization
* blended into handling and stretches with the JUST RIGHT TOUCH
Clinically proven to help resolve: colic, reflux, constipation, torticollis,
plagiocephaly, breastfeeding struggles, tongue tie management, fussiness,
self-regulation, and sensory modulation.
Target Audience: Pediatric therapists (OT, SLP, PT), massage therapists,
lactation consultants, midwives, chiropractors, physicians, nurses.
Anyone with a license to therapeutically touch babies.
Presenter: Susan Vaughan Kratz, OTR, CST-D
Course syllabus
I. How osteopathic history has influenced allied health and manual therapies of current day.
Review therapies included relevant to apply to babies immature systems.
II. Anatomy, physiology, and behaviors of the autonomic nervous system.
III. Anatomy, physiology, and behaviors of the continuous organ of fascia
suspending all structures
IV. Explore and refine the paradigm shift in palpation and touch input that is
"just right" for infant anatomy. Lecture and lab opportunities.
V. Lecture and lab (practicing on other class participants) to define structures
involved in the occupational tasks of the first few months of life, and what
anatomical and fascia restrictions can interfere with ease in attaining these
tasks within parasympathetic state.
a. Breathing maximization with thoracic organ and tissue flexibility
b. Self-regulation and modulation; digestive motility
c. Readiness to move into and master gravity; fascia flexibility
d. Readiness to receive, respond, and adapt to sensory
information for all ten systems: cranial nerves and spinal paths
e. Optimal nutritive and non-nutritive sucking: oral structures
VI. Multiple treatment demonstrations through video, photos, and live observation​​​​
Meet Your Instructor
With 40 years of Occupational Therapy experience, Sue has extensive background knowledge in the general practice of OT as well as specializing in neurological rehabilitation and pediatrics. She participates in clinical research of current innovative ways to assist her clients and families to overcome their difficulties.​ Along with clinical work, Sue has been active in workshop presentations, professional consultations, ​post-gradue teaching, and research. Sue​ holds a Diplomat in Upledger Craniosacral Therapy, certified in Ayres' Sensory Integration Treatment and qualified in Neurodevelopmental Therapy. S​he is ​the author of this growing series of bodywork books that offer clinical applications of various forms of manual therapies.
Sue is credentialed with the follow certifications and qualifications:​​
CranioSacral Therapy (advanced) – Diplomat level through Upledger Institute International
Sensory Integration in Ayres' Fidelity methods
Neuro-Developmental Therapy (NDT) for pediatrics
Licensed to practice Occupational Therapy in Wisconsin
Member of International Alliance of Healthcare Practitioners
Member of Chikly Health Institute
Come learn with us. Contact Special Therapies Institute to register